Sunday, May 16, 2010

Beginning again...

"To live... to live would be an awfully big adventure." - Peter Banning, Hook

About a year ago I started to have a thirst for adventure. The type of adventure that takes you through the mountains of Central America and perhaps the less dramatic type as well. At the time I was hanging out with a very good friend of mine who had a thirst for life. His energy and the way he refuses to waste our God given moments is just beautiful. It inspired me to break out of my comfort zone and try new and exciting things. While I am still all for planning ahead and knowing where you are going there is something amazing about embracing the moment you are in.

I've had wonderful adventures in my life even if I didn't always realize I was experiencing them. My family and my friends push me to do new things that I never knew I could. One of the most important experiences of my life, spending my junior year in Newcastle England, would not have happened if I didn't have the encouragement of my mom to actually do it. That experience proved to be a time of learning to rely on myself but more importantly it was a time of learning to rely on God first.

I realize more and more each day is how life itself is an amazing journey. Of course when I wake up and I know I have 5 hours of class in front of me and 4 hours of reading small print law books it is challenging to call that day adventurous. But! The beautiful thing is it can be! Sounds foolish, I know. It's all about how you look your life. As another great buddy of mine always says "it's all about perspective." One thing that helps me (and admittedly something I forget more than I would like) is that when we live our lives with Christ everything, yes everything, we do should be done for his glory.

"And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:17

Yeah, that's a challenging a verse. But it is also a beautiful one. Christ came so that we could have life to the full. Can you imagine how amazing, challenging, hopefilled, intense yet peaceful life would be if we lived each moment for him? I admit I fail in this goal. But recently I felt like I need a reboot, recharge, refresh, (other fitting re-word), in my life. At first I thought healthy diet, exercise, read more, etc. Those changes are beautiful methods to help re-organize a life. However, the more I thought and prayed about it I realized if I started any of those things without first refocusing on Christ it would be all for naught.

This blog is a way to keep myself accountable and at the same time share my experiences, life lessons, and any other revelations with my family and friends. I look forward to the next adventure and perhaps I will be sharing in it with you.